Voter Registration Information

Requirements for Voter Registration

  • You must be a U. S.  citizen AND
  • You must be a resident of Tennessee  AND
  • You must beat least eighteen (18) years old on/or before the next election AND
  • You must not have been convicted of a felony , or if you have,  your voting rights must have been restored.
  • If you register by mail, you must vote in person the first time you vote after registering.  MAIL OR HAND DELIVER THIS FORM TO YOUR COUNTY ELECTION COMMISSION.

Eligibility to Vote after a Felony Conviction

Click Link Below

There is a registration deadline before every election for people who have never been registered to vote in DeKalb County. If a person has already registered to vote in DeKalb and needs to update their registration, that may be done no later than 5 days before Election Day. Please see the Election Calendar for specific dates.

Places to Register to Vote

  • The Election Commission Office
  • Department of Safety
  • Department of Rehabilitation
  • Department of Human Services
  • Public Libraries
  • You may call 615-597-4146 and request a form be mailed to you.

Voter Registration Form